Our profession since 2013: fine wine auctions by brokerage, between enthusiasts and collectors.

Why buy on

Access the most prestigious and rare wines at the best value

100% secure transactions

automatic bids allows you to win your lots even if you miss the last minute

cellaring and grouping solution to save logisitc costs

limited and competitive fees to 17% on your transactions
CAVACAVE, professionals who have secured several
tens of thousands of transactions since 2013
and of which more than 85% of the members of the community sell and buy regularly
– A professional and cordial contact at your disposal
– Solutions, not complications
– Competitive fees
– Speedy request execution
– Utmost discretion

Request for
an estimate
Reuest for a valuation of your wine list has never been so easy. You are invite to send an excel file of your wine liste
You will then receive a free of charge and commitment -free estimate from our experts. Processing will vary on the volume of requests.